Monday, June 28, 2010

I don't care who wins the World Cup...

As long as it's not Spain.

I stopped liking Spain when Luis Aragones was caught on tape trying to motivate Jose Antonio Reyes by calling Thierry Henry "negro de mierda", and then came out and tried to defend himself by saying, "I have black friends, therefore I can't be racist."

I started hating Spain when I went there and found out that the old bastard reflected the country's greater opinions on people of color. I have great respect for players like Fernando Torres, Xabi Alonso and Pepe Reina. In all aspects of their careers they've been exemplary professionals. But when the pull on the red and gold for Spain, to me they represent a backward, narrow-minded, racist society. Torres himself has said how much he respects Aragones. For that, I've lost some respect for him.

Every country has its problems. Maybe none of the countries left in the World Cup deserve to win it. But at least if a country like South Africa won it, I could say, at least they've made progress in terms of race relations, at least they've taken a step in the right direction.

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