Friday, October 17, 2008

First illness

Well it had to happen sometime, I suppose. I've come down with something of a stomach virus, nothing too serious, I think I probably just ate something weird and I'm a bit nauseous, plus many trips to the bathroom. It's been about two days since I came down with it, and it seems to be getting a bit better today, though I'm still feeling nauseous and just generally icky and unhappy because I haven't been eating much and only drinking water.

Unfortunately, I had to spend most of today in an orientation for our scholarship. I don't really understand why they decided to have an orientation nearly two months into our study terms--for the kids who are only on three-month scholarships, it's completely useless, and for all of us, two months is more than enough time to have figured out basic things like money, living, transportation and so forth. To be honest, the whole thing was pretty much just ceremony and a chance for Taiwan to kind of pat itself on the back for attracting so many foreigners to its education programs. The distinguished guests were all ambassadors/ministers from various countries, mostly smaller nations that have actual diplomatic ties with Taiwan, and the speakers were all older men in high leadership positions at various institutions or organizations.

I actually wanted to go out tonight, there were plans to just go to a sort of lounge/club called Copa, but I think it's best for me to just stay in and rest up. I don't know what this stomach thing is, but I don't want to aggravate it, and I haven't been sleeping well in general, so rest is probably the best thing I can do for myself at the moment.

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