Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Liverpool in Chinese

This is a little something I posted on the Red and White Kop forum for Liverpool a few days ago. I got on Liverpool's Chinese website and decided to see how their webmaster translated some of the players' names. Some of them were actually quite interesting, and even if you have no interest in Liverpool FC whatsoever, it's still kind of interesting to see the characters and the meanings they use to put together Western names. I thought Steven Gerrard's and Jose Reina's were particularly fitting, seeing as Gerrard is considered the heart and soul of Liverpool, and Reina is the keeper.


利 Li (advantage, power, rights), 物 wu (things), 浦 pu (water’s edge)

Rafa Benitez
拉 La (pull), 法fa (the law), 貝 Bei (money), 尼 ni (phonetic), 特 te (special), 斯 si (phonetic, cultured)

Steven Gerrard
史 Shi (history), 蒂 di (roots), 文 wen (culture, language), 杰 Jie (outstanding), 拉 la (pull), 德 de (moral, virtue)

*When Liverpool went to HK, the name on the jersey:
謝拉特 (
謝 Xie (thanks, gratitude), 拉 la (pull), 特 te (special)
*I don’t speak Cantonese, but the pronunciation is likely totally different than in Mandarin

Xabi Alonso
哈 Ha (phonetic, laugh), 維 wei (support), 阿 A (phonetic), 隆 long (prosperous), 索 suo (rope)

*When Liverpool went to HK:
艾朗索 (
艾Ai (to end, protect), 朗lang (bright, brilliant) 索suo (rope)

Jamie Carragher
杰 Jie (outstanding), 米 mi (rice), 卡 Ka (card) or Qia (choke), 拉 la (pull), 格 ge (standard)

Fernando Torres
費Fei (to spend), 爾 er (phonetic, sometimes means ‘only’ or ‘like this’), 南 nan (south), 多 duo (many, much); 托 Tuo (request), 雷 lei (thunder), 斯 si (phonetic, cultured)

Daniel Agger
丹 Dan (red), 尼 ni (phonetic), 爾 er (phonetic), 阿 A (phonetic), 格 ge (standard)

Jose Reina
何 He (what, which, any), 塞 se (block, impede), 雷 Lei (thunder), 納 na (receive, welcome, control)

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