Monday, March 8, 2010

When losing isn't quite as bad as it usually is

We played Tormenta this weekend, easily the best team in the league. I've always had mixed feelings about them even playing in our league because they are basically a club team that trains together and plays at the state level, and they just play in our local league on the side. The rest of the teams, including ours, are made up of women who are generally older, have full time jobs, and don't have time to train between weekends. They're a bunch of bratty little teenagers too, but that's another story entirely.

On Saturday, though, we got about *this* close to pulling off what would have been a huge upset. We scored about midway through the first half, and for most of the rest of the match we put them under pressure and didn't let them have time on the ball to look for passes or shots. We were even able to get some of our own runs going, which honestly almost never happens for us against Tormenta. We also didn't let them push us around, which I thought was really important, because in the past, we've let them bully us into backing off.

In the end though, it took all of one lucky shot and one own goal for them to beat us. We created more clear-cut chances than they did (Mayra, Ellen and Sabina all had good looks at the net), but we didn't put them away when we had them, and they had one shot that bounced off the underside of the crossbar and might or might not have bounced inside the goal line. An own goal is an own goal, they happen, that's football, and considering the way we played, I'm not complaining at all. They know they got away with a less than deserved win, and when we face them again in finals (which we will, we always do *cough* league politics *cough*), I think we have a real shot.

Onward and upward. This is my eighth season with this team, and in eight years, we've won one championship. I think it's about time for another.

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