Sunday, February 28, 2010


So near the end of our match last night against San Lucas, we get a free kick in our opponent's end of the field (it's a smaller field, indoor, with walls, almost like a hockey arena). Normally Sabina takes those, but she had scored a ton of goals already so she let me have at it. As I stepped up, she says, "El angulo" which means "the top corner." Of course, what do I do? I slice it at about hip level right at the keeper. Two minutes later, we get another free kick, and this one Sabi takes, puts it away in the upper right 90. I was kind of like, "Oh, that angulo" and we had a laugh about it. Later, I got a goal off a kick-in from out of bounds, with my left foot, which I was pretty proud of, and the best part of the whole night was that Sabina put herself 17 goals clear of the other challengers in the race for the goleo, so hopefully she'll take home that title.

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