Thursday, June 26, 2008

Current Events - Futbol

As per usual, played two football matches this weekend, one in the Mexican league and one in the Ecuadorian league. Did not play my best, I will admit, only got one goal on Saturday and should have had one more, probably should have had two or three on Sunday.

What I did get was a yellow card on Sunday, and I don't think I really deserved it, though in retrospect I can see why the ref gave it to me. The defender and I went hard for a loose ball, knocked shoulders twice, and the third time I wasn't really playing the ball, more the player. Foul, certainly. Card, no way. But as we were walking away, I glanced over at the girl, and I guess she took it as an insult, because she punched me in the arm and said, "¿QuĂ© pasa?" basically a Spanish "What's your problem?" I just walked away, although I think actually I might have raised my hands up in that sort of universal 'bring it on' gesture before I did. In any event, I got a yellow card. In all my years playing club and varsity, I never once got carded. I think in the past five years with the Mexican and Ecuadorian leagues, I've picked up at least one card per season, if not more. A couple were for in-play fouls, but at least one was definitely for mouthing off to the ref. Oops. So much for the nice, docile little Asian girl.

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