Sunday, June 29, 2008

Euro Final and Current Events

I didn't actually get to watch the match live because I had my own football match to play, but the first thing I did when I got home was check the match reports. As I was opening up my computer, I was thinking how it would be amazing if Fernando Torres, who hasn't had a great tournament, scored. And then, lo and behold, I opened up BBC's webpage, and it's Germany 0-1 Spain on Fernando Torres' goal. Good goal too, eerily reminiscient to a couple that he scored for Liverpool this past season. Nice through ball from Cesc Fabregas, and Torres just got in behind Lahm and chipped the ball over Lehmann. Class goal, and it brought them the championship. Well done to Spain (though I dislike the coach, Aragones, on so many levels), and well done to Torres, he deserved that goal.

My match didn't go quite as well, though we won easily. I had about five chances on net that I just whiffed, either not enough power on the shot or careened it off a defender's foot. I also ended up with a few bloody scratches on my knees from the rocky pitch. But no yellow cards this weekend. So I guess that's good.

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