Sunday, June 8, 2008

Current Events - MN Weather

I think this is the longest stretch of bad weather we’ve had in recent summers. We’ve barely seen the sun since the end of May, and in the past week, counties both north and south of us got hit with tornadoes (and we’re talking hardcore tornadoes, like F5s). About a week ago, we had the most massive wind and hailstorm I’ve ever seen, hands down. The hail wasn’t really that big, maybe quarter sized, but it came down in torrents so fast and furious that in some areas, windows broke. Our windows held, thankfully, but my mom’s garden was completely destroyed, and most of the leaves on the trees were completely stripped. The whole storm only lasted about ten minutes, but when it was over, the yard was covered with a layer of quarter-sized ice pellets mixed with shredded green. We spent days cleaning it all up, only to get hit by another windstorm two days ago, which brought down most of the remaining leaves and prompted another two days of cleanup. Now the weather forecasters are predicting a 50% chance of showers every day of the upcoming week.

Almost makes me miss LA weather. Almost.

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