Friday, October 10, 2008

Faces of National Taiwan University's Chinese Language Division

Michael, German, has studied two years of Chinese and speaks way better than I do. This was taken on his birthday, when our teacher bought cake and coffee to celebrate, and we basically sat around and talked about nothing for the whole three hours of class.

Alex, German-Taiwanese-American, speaks all three languages pretty much like a native speaker. Really into photography, and has a really good sense of humor.

Hiro, Japanese, spent some time in the States when he was a kid, so his English is pretty decent. As you can see, he's a goofball too.

Kevin, Chinese-Australian, speaks Cantonese, and also speaks really good Mandarin. We tease him that his accent sounds more British than Australian.

The whole group at an American-style restaurant in Ximen.
L to R: Kevin, Alex, John, John's girlfriend (oh dear, I forgot her name), Ivy, Tammy, Michael and Hiro.

1 comment:

Kinoko Times said...

ahaha. Nice group.
We go to an "American" diner too! :P
And they have some Mexican food too. Well..."Mexican"...