Friday, October 10, 2008


So I'm sitting here in my apartment in Taiwan, drinking a Corona and looking through pictures on Facebook, and realizing again just how incredibly fast time is moving. This picture is from second semester senior year. Chilling out on a Friday or a Saturday night in Newcomb, having a few beers, listening to music and talking away the night. That was life. That was my reality, and it was so familiar and so tangibly real that it seems impossible that it's never going to be like that again. I find myself missing those times terribly, and wondering if I'm ever going to feel that at ease, that comfortable with my surroundings again.

1 comment:

Kinoko Times said...

Ah yes. Good ol' Oxy times.
I terribly miss them too. But I absolutely miss the people more.
Ah...those were the days, ne?
I guess after our crazy abroad experiences, we'll just have to be neighbors again! ^^