Saturday, January 30, 2010

Match report

One of the best matches the team has played in a long time (that I've seen/been involved in). We played a team called Club Joma, and to give you an idea of who they are to us, if we are Liverpool, they are Aston Villa or maybe Arsenal. They are very, very good, and we have generally tied or just barely eked out wins against them in the past.

Tonight, it's like we were all on fire, every single one of us. Things were just flowing and even when we were under pressure, it just seemed like we could bend as much as we needed, but never break. Lupe, who is basically filling in as our keeper because Sonia isn't reliable, was insane. She moved like a varsity keeper or better. Sabi scored three screamers (and I mean screamers, it was like seeing her way back when I first started playing with the team) and assisted the fourth, and together, she and I really held the midfield, didn't let Joma get too much of a game going. Cecy was tough as nails on defense and the other girls all put in some really class work on offense and defense. I think if we had played with this kind of intensity against Tormenta, we might have sneaked a win.

As it is, it was just awesome to see how we could play when we were really on top of our game. I think this bodes well for the impending start of finals, and even though I just got back, I really want us to aim for the championship, knock Tormenta or Independiente off their perches. I want me and my teammates to be the ones
sweaty and sore and tired as fuck, celebrating with the trophies and the medals at the end of the season.

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